World Literacy Day

Country: International
Upcoming World Literacy Day is on 08 September 2024 (Sunday)

Days Remaining in World Literacy Day 2024

Minimum of Literacy or Education is required by the people to survive in this place called earth. Literacy is one of the major concerns for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO). This organization has been trying to eradicate this lack of education from the world. Every year the UNESCO celebrate World Literacy day on 8th of September. This date was proclaimed by the UNESCO on 17th November, 1965. The world celebrated the 1st Literacy day on the year 1966. This is the day when the UNESCO spreads the word of eradicating illiteracy from the globe. On this day every year he UNESCO reminds the world about the importance of literacy and the word is spread across the globe.

Every year the UNESCO brings out some statistics showing the amount of people yet to be covered in different parts of the world. The UNESCO gives out a detailed list with percentage of the number of people who do not have the minimum amount of skills in terms of literacy. Every year the UNESCO reveals the data where it displays to the globe the real amount of adults who do not have the minimum skills. According to the recent data disclosed by the UNESCO about 775 million of adult lacks the minimum amount of literacy skills required. Among this huge number of adults 3/4th of them are women. This is one of the biggest concerns of the world where a female lacks education which will take the globe forward. The data also shows that minimum of 60.5 million children are out of school or some are irregular to school.

According to the latest report released in 2006 the Asian region has the lowest literacy rate of 58.6%. The UNESCO regularly releases this report for their mission of eradicating illiteracy from the globe. Every year on Worlds Literacy day the UNESCO releases a special theme and based on the theme awards are distributed. The theme is selected keeping in mind the connection with education. Once in the year  2007 the theme selected by the UNESO was Literacy and Health. On the Literacy day countries that provide good health education to the people are awarded. The 2008 Literacy year was one of the major thing to look at. In this year the theme selected by the UNESCO’s theme for the day was Literacy and Epidemics. the word was spread across the globe regarding the dangerous diseases like HIV and Malaria. While the aim for the next years literacy day was Literacy and Empowerment. The main aim was to make sure that all genders are equal.

This day will be celebrate every year by the UNESCO to fulfil the dream of eradicating illiteracy one day from the face of earth.
