Kabir Jayanti

Religion: Hindu
Country: India
Upcoming Kabir Jayanti is on 11 June 2025 (Wednesday)

Days Remaining in Kabir Jayanti 2025

Sant Kabir Das was born in the year 1440. Sant Kabir was the famous poet in the Indian history, which is known for his extraordinary poetic skills. Let’s learn more about his personality in detail.

History related to the Sant Kabir

Sant Kabir is regarded as the supreme when it comes to the poems and material related to this. According to the legends, Kabir was born to a widow women (Brahmin) near Lahartara near Kashi (Kashi is now called as the Varanasi) in the year 1440 A.D. But his mother left him near the river, because she was too afraid to have a baby when she is not even married.

But whatever one say, two Muslim couples found Kabir and they took him to their home. Both of the couple were weavers by profession and their name was Niru and Nima. But they never tried to impose any type of restrictions on the Kabir of following Islam culture. And Kabir too is considered to be neither Muslim nor Hindu. When he was around at the age 5, he was accepted as the disciple by the Vaishnava saint Ramananda. But at the age of 13, Kabir suffered a great in his life. Ramananda passed on this year, Kabir was in grim and desolated state.

But one thing, that distinguish Sant Kabir Das (Das means Disciple) is that, being a saint too, he kept his life balanced although the life. He successfully managed his domestic life, he was tradesman too, and in the mean time he used to write poems. He was a great philosopher too and used to write various manuscripts in which he used to write what he thinks. His writing included every details of the life of Muslim or Islamic and Hindu followers. His language of writing was simple and used to have content that was part of the Hindu and Islamic writings. Most of his work is kept keeping the common people in mind.

Till date his famous work is ‘Bijak’, which is a collection of his philosophical writings and poems. Vehemently was he opposed the ill practices being followed on the name of both religion (Hindu and Islam) among the society. Till date also, Sant Kabir Das poems and writing are considered as legends. Sant Kabir Das died a natural death at Maghar near Gorakhpur in 1518.

How People Celebrate the Sant Kabir Das Jayanti

There is not a specific day on which Sant Kabir is remembered because his writing and poems are all over written in spiritual books. So wherever there is a cultural and religious event is going on, chanting of words that were written by the Sant Kabir das is quite common.

But on this auspicious day, at various places, cultural events are organized to remember this great person. The whole book of Kabir das in which his ‘dohas’ were written, are chanted among the people. The poems and doha of Kabir das is so famous that, many people start their morning by listening to them. They have a very strong and meaningful purpose in the Indian society.

Kabir Jayanti in Upcoming Year

When is Kabir Jayanti 2025
