Gate 2022 Exam Preparation, Strategy and Tips

PG Level / Admission at State Level
Conducting Institute:
Common Name: GATE Exam

General Aptitude Test in Engineering is a common entrance test for students seeking admission in the post graduate engineering courses. Every year thousands of aspirants take this test to get entry into the elite colleges present across the country. Only few managed to get a good GATE score and enter into their dream colleges. Their success was not a rocket science but a correct way of preparation. The correct way of preparing for the GATE examination is pretty simple.

Here are few steps that would help you in preparing GATE 2022 exam the correct way

  • The biggest question that runs in the aspirants mind is what to study. Well for qualifying the GATE examination one does not require a special amount of knowledge. The questions asked in a GATE test is similar to the ones you are studying in the bachelor’s course.
  • A gate examination is not similar to the other competitive examinations. Unlike others this exam provides a great amount of time for its candidates to solve the questions. Thus for appearing in the examination you will not be required to learn the short tricks for the test.
  • The questions that are asked in the GATE are simple logical questions. While answering the question all you need to do is apply the logic to the questions and answer them correctly.
  • If you are a young aspirant and looking to go through the GATE examination then you must make sure that you start preparing for the tests right from the 1st year of the graduation course. A constant reading of text books and solving mathematical questions will give you a solid base.
  • If you are already into your final year of the graduation course then too it is never late to start for the preparation.  You can start practicing the specific subjects and writing down the formulas from the book into a paper and keep it in your pocket. This will help in regular revision of the subject. It is recommended to start off with a single subject and go with one at a time.
  • One of the most important things to remember while preparing for the exam is that you should make sure that you try and solve all the previous GATE papers. The solving of each paper will provide you with a fair idea about the pattern of the question paper. Not only this will have you also had a fair idea about the type of questions asked in the paper. You can also look into various other competitive papers like that of IES, ISRO, DRDL and many others competitive papers.
  • While attempting the GATE make sure that you answer the questions in certain rounds. That is first make sure that you answer the easy ones to build some confidence then going with the flow you can attempt the tricky ones. This can be achieved only by some good time management.

Number of Questions to be answered – One of the wrong assumptions among the candidates is that the candidates try to answer as many questions as they can in the exam. But the fact in GATE it is not required to answer all questions but the main requirement is to answer your questions correctly. On an average 40-50 questions are required to be answered correctly by the candidate. So make sure that you answer this number of questions correctly rather than wasting your time on trying to attempt every question in the GATE paper. Trying to attempt all the questions in the paper will also have another side effect that is the wrong answers that you do will give you negative marking in the paper. The GATE rules and regulation give negative marks to every wrong answer and thus trying to attempt the entire question will provide you a less score.

Take a coaching for GATE – One of the most confusing question for any aspirant is that whether they will have to go and join a coaching for taking the GATE exam or not. This is a question that can confuse any student. Well a coaching for GATE will only help you attain a direction to your goal of clearing the test. The coaching will help you in guiding through your preparation and the mock tests that every institute take before the real test will help you in having a good test like environment.

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